Total Solar Eclipse 2017 T-1 Year

Eclipse Mosaic
Eclipse Mosaic

Here we are less than 365 days until the total solar eclipse that will be seen from coast-to-coast in the U.S. on August 21, 2017.  This will be the first total solar eclipse to grace the U.S. mainland since 1979 and the first to sweep across the entire country since 1918!

animated map of the Moon's shadows across Earth
animated map of the Moon’s shadows across Earth

Before I go any further I want to say to all those reading this article who have never witnessed a total solar eclipse – please, please make every effort to get to the center line next summer and experience totality. Nothing compares to it. No words can adequately explain the awesome spectacle, the emotional response generated and grandeur of a total solar eclipse. You simply must experience it at least once in your lifetime.

Okay, now that I have that off my chest let me start by just being honest and upfront – eclipses are addictive! Watch one and you will probably find yourself gravitating to all the subsequent solar and lunar eclipses on the calendar. Eclipse chasers as they are called share a close bold with gold prospectors. Once the fever gets in your blood watch out, as you’ll be hooked for life.  That is not a bad thing.

Corona – total solar eclipse of February 26, 1998 from Aruba.

Now is the time to act! But wait?! The eclipse is a year away. Yes, it is but now is the time to plan your trip and make your travel arrangements. Is there a relative of yours that lives near the center line? Can we make a trip as a family to see this event even though it will take place right around the time many schools will be starting up, etc. There is work to be done to ensure you have all your bases covered and your plans ironed out. You do not want to wait until one, two or three months out to start making your travel plans. Trust me.

Photo credit: Astronomy Magazine
Photo credit: Astronomy Magazine

So as we proceed to countdown the days, weeks and months to what will most assuredly be referred to as “the great solar eclipse of 2017” I will be posting about this astronomical event and offering up important and timely information. My goal is to provide this information from a helpful perspective coming from an amateur astronomer who has seen a total solar eclipse with his own eyes and lived to tell about it.

So to recap, make your travel plans now for this eclipse. Do not wait. Now is the time to beat the masses and the last minute chaos and stress that goes with it.

Here are some helpful resources as you plan for the total solar eclipse of 2017.

  • The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse podcast – All about the upcoming total solar eclipse that will sweep across the U.S. on August 21, 2017. Listen to new programs and eclipse topics each week.
  •  Prepare for Totality 2017  is Astronomy Magazine’s page offering an interactive solar eclipse map of the path of totality (zoom in and out), eclipse facts, trip advice, helpful products, solar eclipse glossary, intro to safe solar viewing video as well as a free e-guide for download on the 2017 total solar eclipse.
  • 2017 Solar Eclipse Prime page – Fred Espenak “Mr. Eclipse” detailed discussion on the total solar eclipse of 2017. Your one stop shop for maps and information.
  • NASA’s Eclipse web site – This special web page contains preliminary information about the 2017 total eclipse of the Sun. It will be updated with more information as eclipse day approaches.