Total Lunar Eclipse January 31, 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse 02/20/2008

A  total lunar eclipse will be visible (weather permitting) from the North Texas area early on the morning of Wednesday, January 31, 2018.  Here are the eclipse event times (CST) specific to the Dallas-Fort Worth area.


4:51 a.m. Penumbral Eclipse begins

5:48 a.m. Partial eclipse begins with Umbra making contact

6:51 a.m. Total eclipse begins

7:20 a.m. Maximal Eclipse for DFW area

7:24 a.m. The Moon sets for DFW area

7:26 a.m. Full Moon occurs for DFW (occurs below horizon for DFW)

7:29 a.m. Maximum Eclipse (occurs below horizon for DFW)

Since this eclipse is occurring while the Moon is in the process of setting here in the DFW area it’s very important to make sure you have an unobstructed view of the western and north-western horizon if viewing from the DFW area. This eclipse occurs very close to the horizon for DFW and in fact maximum eclipse actually occurs below the horizon but the eclipse does enter the total phase prior to the Moon setting. So find some place where you have a good clear view void of trees and buildings of the western horizon in order to observe and enjoy this eclipse event to the fullest.


The eclipsed Moon and Saturn.

Since this eclipse is happening close to the horizon this presents a great opportunity to photograph or image the moon with interesting objects in the frame or foreground such as trees, buildings (cityscapes), towers, etc. So if you are looking to image this eclipse some careful planning and choice of location could lend itself to some amazing shots of the fully eclipsed Moon.

Total Lunar Eclipse 02/20/2008

Also, since this eclipse is happening in the dead of winter for us be sure to prepare for the cold. Dress warmly and have your hot coffee at the ready. Most of all relax and enjoy as Luna pulls a hat trick and turns a hot-looking blood red in the middle of a frosty winter morning.