Online Astronomy Resources

I recently added a new “Online Resources” tab and dedicated page on this web site to specifically highlight astronomy related information, documentation, charts, data sets, educational materials, lecture series and more. This information, as you might suspect, is geared to the novice or budding amateur astronomer and serves as a kind of repository for interesting but functional resources that I find myself returning to. Others are simply resources that I feel could be useful to those with a hunger to learn about and explore all things astronomy.

Thus far I’ve included the resources to current and monthly sky maps, space calendar, clear sky charts, sun and moon rise and set data, solar and lunar eclipse data and charts, and lectures series regardng the Moon and intro to planetary science and astronomy classes.

Have a missed something?  I’m sure that I have. If you’d like to share a resource you feel others would benefit from please send me a message  with the information. I’m always looking for new and interesting sites. So take the new “online resources” page for a spin and soon you might find yourself downloading sky maps or engrossed in an astronomical topic and learning more about our universe.