New Moon
The new moon happens at 5:31 a.m. on June 25th when the moon is in between the Earth and the Sun on its orbital path. The new moon is described … Continue reading New Moon
Moon and Mars Conjunction
The Moon and Mars will be very close, less than half a degree, from each other with the brightest star in Leo, Regulus seen just 7 degrees below and to … Continue reading Moon and Mars Conjunction
Full Moon
The full moon occurs at 3:36 p.m. on July 10th when it's opposite the sun in its orbit around Earth. Its sunlit side is entirely visible from Earth. The moon … Continue reading Full Moon
The Moon, Venus and Jupiter
On the mornings of July 21st, 22nd and 23rd at about 5:45 a.m. each morning you can find the waning crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter together. Simply look to the … Continue reading The Moon, Venus and Jupiter
New Moon
New Moon occurs at 2:11 p.m. on July 24th when the moon is in between the Earth and the Sun on its orbital path. The new moon is described as … Continue reading New Moon
Venus and Jupiter Conjunction
You can find Venus and Jupiter with only 5 degrees seperating them rising in the east prior to the Sun on the morning of Wednesday, August 6th. The best time … Continue reading Venus and Jupiter Conjunction
Full Moon
The Full Moon occurs at 2:55 a.m. on Aug. 9th when it is opposite the sun in its orbit around Earth. Its sunlit side is entirely visible from Earth. The … Continue reading Full Moon
Perseid Meteor Shower Peak
This year, the peak of the Perseids is expected on the nights of August 11th and 12th. Although the moon will be about 84 percent illuminated, so many meteors will … Continue reading Perseid Meteor Shower Peak
Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury
The Moon will be sliding past Jupiter, Venus and Mercury on the mornings of August 19th, 20th and 21st. Look in the eastern sky before sunrise or at about 6:05 … Continue reading Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury