Lyrid Meteor Shower Peak

The annual Lyrid meteor shower peaks on the night and morning of April 21st and 22nd. Under ideal conditions you can expect to see about 18 meteors per hour.

Perseid Meteor Shower Peak

This year, the peak of the Perseids is expected on the nights of August 11th and 12th. Although the moon will be about 84 percent illuminated, so many meteors will be washed out due to the bright Moon.

Leonid Meteor Shower Peak

The Leonid meteor shower peaks on the night of Novenber 16/17. The moon doesn't rise until a couple of hours before sunrise on the 17th making for good conditions for meteor watching. The best time for these meteors should be after midnight on the 17th but that doesn't mean you can't watch for some on … Continue reading Leonid Meteor Shower Peak

Geminid Meteor Shower Peak

The Geminid meteor shower should be the best shower of 2025 as the Moon with be out of the way. Start watching for meteors around  sunset on the 13th and continue until the early hours of the 14th. The shower is quite prolific and can potentially produce over 100 shooting stars an hour under ideal … Continue reading Geminid Meteor Shower Peak

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