Moon & Jupiter Conjunction

After passing Venus and Saturn on the 23rd, the crescent Moon will pay a visit to Jupiter. You’ll find the planet just above the waxing crescent Moon just after sunset. A pair of 10x50 binoculars or a small telescope will provide a great view of this pair.

Lunar Occultation of Mars

The Moon will pass in front of Mars, creating a lunar occultation visible from parts of the Americas. Lunar occultations are only ever visible from a small fraction of the Earth's surface. On this occasion, the occultation will be visible from the Dallas/Fort Worth area. It will begin with the disappearance of Mars behind the … Continue reading Lunar Occultation of Mars

Full Moon

The February Full Moon (Snow Moon) occurs at 12:30 p.m. CST on February 5, 2023.

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