Moon & Mars Conjunction

The Moon and Mars will make a close approach, passing within 2°24' of each other.  The pair will be visible in the dawn sky, rising at 05:11 (CST) – 2 hours and 12 minutes before the Sun – and reaching an altitude of 18° above the south-eastern horizon before fading from view as dawn breaks … Continue reading Moon & Mars Conjunction

Mars, Saturn, Venus & The Moon Conjunction

Mars, Saturn and Venus will appear extremely close before sunrise during the last two weeks of March. The trio will be so close that they will be in the same field of view of some telescopes and binoculars. But the Moon joins the trio low in the southeast pre-dawn sky on Monday, March 28th.

Conjunction of the Moon and Mars

The Moon and Mars will share the same right ascension, with the Moon passing 0°32' to the north of Mars. The Moon will be at mag -12.6, and Mars at mag -1.9, both in the constellation Taurus. They will reach their highest point in the sky at 00:22, 82° above your southern horizon.

Venus and Saturn Conjunction

Venus and Saturn are very close together (a third of a degree apart) low in the southwest sky just after sunset on January 22nd. This the closest naked-eye planetary conjunction of the year. An unobstructed view of the west southwest sky is advisable. The following evening Jan. 23rd look again at the same time for … Continue reading Venus and Saturn Conjunction

Current amateur astronomy information such as points of interest and events in the night sky, star party dates, educational information, telescopes buying tips and much more.