Rare Quadruple Conjunction
April 25
A rare quadruple conjunction of Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and the Moon will occur at 6 a.m. on Friday morning, April 25th . Step outside about an hour before sunrise (6 a.m. in the DFW area) and look low in the east. You will need a good unobstructed view of the eastern horizon to see this grouping. Mercury will be lowest and hardest to see then to its upper right find the slim waning crescent moon which will be flanked by bright Venus and the ringed planet Saturn. Additionally, Neptune is just under 2 degrees away from the Moon in the general direction of Saturn. You’ll need binoculars or a telescope to see Neptune. Look early for Mercury and Neptune as they will be the first to be lost in the brightening sky due to the pending sunrise. This will make for a great photo op as the sky begins to brighten with the pending sunrise.