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Planetary Lineup – 5 Planets Visible

June 16, 2022

Thursday morning June 16th provides the best opportunity to see 5 bright planets visible before sunrise. The best time to spot them should be around 5:15 a.m. Very low in the northeast sky you can spot Mercury. It’s a good idea to have an unobstructed view of that part of the horizon to see Mercury.  Binoculars might not hurt as well. About 10 degrees to Mercury’s upper right will be brilliantly bright Venus. You can’t miss Venus.  Proceeding on an imaginary line that runs through Mercury and Venus follow it up another 30+ degrees to come to Mars glowing an unmistakable orange.  Another 10 degrees beyond Mars is the “king of the planets” Jupiter shining bright at -2.32  magnitude.  Further still and facing almost due south now is the ringed planet Saturn. As an added celestial treat the Moon will join the crowd on this morning. You’ll spot it easy much lower than Saturn in the southwest sky.


June 16, 2022
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