Images of Partial Solar Eclipse Posted on SAP

I’ve posted a series of images taken of the partial solar eclipse of 10/23/2014 on the site. You’ll find them under Astrophotography > Eclipses. I used a 90mm Meade ETX equipped with a solar filter and Nikon D60 to shoot these images.

PSE 10-23-2014
Partial Solar Eclipse – October 23, 2014

Partial Solar Eclipse Visible On October 23rd

Thursday, October 23, 2014 there will be a partial solar eclipse visible for much of North America including the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. A partial solar eclipse involves the Moon covering up only part of the Sun as seen from your location. As the central part of the Moon’s shadow (umbra) misses the Earth during a partial solar eclipse, there are no other locations on Earth where the Sun appears completely covered during this event.

Maximum Eclipse as seen from Fort Worth, Texas
Maximum Eclipse as seen from Fort Worth, Texas

This will be a late afternoon event for us here in DFW. In fact the sun will set during the partial eclipse. Here are some important eclipse milestones for the DFW area on October 23, 2014.

Continue reading Partial Solar Eclipse Visible On October 23rd

Total Lunar Eclipse Visible Oct. 8th

Total Lunar Eclipse 02/20/2008
Total Lunar Eclipse 02/20/2008

Early on the morning of Wednesday, October 8, 2014 there will be a total lunar eclipse visible for all of the United States. Totality begins at 5:25 a.m. CDT locally here in the DFW area. The moon will be seen (weather permitting)  low in the sky on the western horizon. Seek out a good observing location where you will have an unobstructed view of the horizon.  The Moon will be an awesome sight even from the most light polluted cities. Observers on the West Coast are better positioned for this eclipse as the moon will be higher in the sky as totality slowly plays out between 3:25 a.m. and 4:24 a.m. PDT.

Continue reading Total Lunar Eclipse Visible Oct. 8th