The Rio Brazos chapter of Texas Master Naturalists will be hosting a star party on Saturday September 10, 2016 from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. at Acton Nature Center, 6900 Smoky Hill Ct. Granbury, TX 76049. There will be a guest speaker at the twilight program under the pavilion adjacent to the parking lot starting at 8:00 p.m. After the program attendees will take a short walk down the path to the farmhouse where we will have telescopes set up with sky guides to show you the night sky.
Please bring a blanket or chair to sit in, water to drink and enjoy the evening. Restrooms are available on site. We welcome anyone who is interested in sharing knowledge or telescopes with the public.
Today, July 4, 2014 the Earth reaches its farthest point away from the sun. This is called aphelion or in U.S. we call it Independence Day. Aphelion occurs when the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing summer. The point in orbit where a planet is nearest to the sun is called the perihelion. The word aphelion derives from the Greek words, apo meaning away or off and Helios (the Greek god of the sun). Earth’s aphelion usually occurs sometime around July 4. At aphelion our planet is around 152 million kilometers (94 million miles) away from the Sun. This is in contrast to perihelion when it is 147 million kilometers away from the Sun, and it currently occurs around January 3.
Current amateur astronomy information such as points of interest and events in the night sky, star party dates, educational information, telescopes buying tips and much more.