I’ve had a couple of visitors to my site in the past couple of weeks ask me “What’s the best way to sell my astronomy gear?” So I thought I’d relay the info I shared with them to you. I hope it’s useful to you.
Times have changed and that’s not necessarily a bad thing! Gone are the days of placing an ad in the local newspaper, and paying to do so! I guess you can still do that but I don’t know anybody that does these days. We have so many online outlets at our finger tips that can be used to buy and sell not only telescopes and astronomy gear but just about anything else you can imagine.
There are many free online resources and apps where all you need to do is to create an account to post your ads. Chances are you already have accounts setup on one or more of these outlets and so it’s just a matter of navigating to the place where you create your ad, select a title, add your asking price, input the details of the item or items you are selling, decide on the contact info options and location and add pictures. I’ll dive into more detail about these important selling points in a minute.
There’s some pretty fantastic astronomy related podcasts available out there for your listening pleasure. You can listen to them online by using your PC or laptop as many have web sites or just use a podcast app on your smartphone or tablet. Search for and subscribe to those podcasts you find interesting. You’ll find podcasts dedicated to astrophotography, cosmology, night sky events and observing, space exploration and missions, NASA, and the list goes on.
I like to use the Apple Podcast app that comes installed on most iPhones. It works great, has plenty of settings to manage all subscribed podcasts and allows me to listen with my AirPods (earbuds) hands free while I’m tending to other things like say mowing the lawn. There are other options like Spotify, Overcast, and iHeart Radio to name a few apps. All allow you to subscribe to podcasts and listen at your convenience.
How far can we see into space? A very long way indeed. But not only are we seeing objects that are far away we are also seeing them as they existed (past tense). Why? Because as much as we would like to think light is instantaneous it actually travels at a measured or finite speed.
How fast is it? Light travels at 186,282 miles per second or roughly 300 million meters per second. Pretty darn fast but when you start talking astronomical distances the speed of light becomes apparent. Once you know the distance to an object you can then calculate how long it takes light to reach it.
1st Quarter Moon
The light reflected from the Moon takes 1.255 seconds to reach us here on Earth. Light emitted from the Sun takes over 8 minutes to get to us. And so on. The most distant galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image are 13 billion light-years away.
I’m often asked about what astronomy related apps I like to use on my cell phone and tablet. So I’ve included a list of apps in no particular order that I have either used at one time and found to be helpful and/or continue to use on a regular basis. I own Android devices (both cell phone and tablet) but most of these apps are available both on Google Play and via the App Store or iTunes. Additionally, most of the apps listed are free to download and install or have free versions available but some do have to be purchased. I hope they pique your interest regarding what is available and that you enjoy them as much as have.
I enjoy all types of music. In fact if I can tap my toes to it then chances are I’ll enjoy it, and I like all the tunes listed below.
I’ve been kicking around the idea of posting some astronomy and or space related songs for quite some time and only recently decided that I needed to go ahead and make it happen, so here they are.
I do want to preface the songs below by stating that I’m in no way advocating that this is a “definitive” list or or anything close to that. The songs below are simply ones that I happened to pluck from my library, enjoyed and hopefully you’ll enjoy as well. Again, all have some type of astronomy/space theme or setting, and they are in no particular order. Okay well, I did attempt to arrange them in a random order that I felt flowed better but that’s about it
So sit back, pop in your ear buds or slip on the headphones and let the music take you away, far away. I hope you enjoy them.
Current amateur astronomy information such as points of interest and events in the night sky, star party dates, educational information, telescopes buying tips and much more.