Buying and Selling Astro Gear Online

I’ve had a couple of visitors to my site in the past couple of weeks ask me “What’s the best way to sell my astronomy gear?”  So I thought I’d relay the info I shared with them to you. I hope it’s useful to you.

Times have changed and that’s not necessarily a bad thing!  Gone are the days of placing an ad in the local newspaper, and paying to do so! I guess you can still do that but I don’t know anybody that does these days. We have so many online outlets at our finger tips that can be used to buy and sell not only telescopes and astronomy gear but just about anything else you can imagine.

There are many free online resources and apps where all you need to do is to create an account to post your ads.  Chances are you already have accounts setup on one or more of these outlets and so it’s just a matter of navigating to the place where you create your ad, select a title, add your asking price, input the details of the item or items you are selling, decide on the contact info options and location and add pictures. I’ll dive into more detail about these important selling points in a minute.

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