Spotify – Astronomy & Space Related Playlist

Spotify screen shotI’ve been meaning to create a Spotify playlist of songs that are astronomy, space or sci-fi themed for some time now. I’ve finally done it.  It’s complete.  Okay well, sort of.  As you probably know Spotify playlists can be added to or updated at any time. So in that sense it’s never really complete. So let’s just say I’m at a point where I feel comfortable with sharing it with all of you space music lovers out there.

You might recall back in April of 2014 my “Musical Interlude” post on this blog which included 11 songs in no particular order that were astronomy and space themed. We’ll that was a fun post and I did get some positive feedback from folks who enjoyed the music. Now with Spotify I’ve expanded on that humble beginning and have created a playlist of over 125 songs with a run-time of almost 9 hours!

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